Pablo is fluent in two languages, English and naughty. Extremely socialized parrot is 6 years old and needs more than we can offer to him. Very confident…
SOLD2 year old blue male Parrotlet. Was hand raised but is no longer hand tamed. Will be great for breeding or companion. Does get along with other birds.…
SOLD18 year old blue crown conure with a funny personality. Likes attention and treats. Likes fruits and seeds. Unknown sex but never laid eggs so think it…
SOLDMated pair. Looking for a good home. I am moving and can’t take them with me. Come with cage. They are both 5 years old. Male is blue. Female is dilute…
SOLDAfrican gray 6-9 years old he is very friendly and talker says hello I love you some songs
SOLDI have a pair of baby Parrotletts. Need to be rehomed ASAP!! Due to our dog. They can go together which is preferred but not necessary. Due to needing…
SOLDI have two 6 month old cockatiels I unfortunately need to find a home for. Must go together they are bonded. Very quiet and sweet. Need a home where you…
SOLDI purchased a 12 week sun conure about a month ago and unfortunately our puppy isn’t taking well to it and is stressing it out. Ideally I’d like her to…
SOLD3 year old female Nanday conure looking for a home for the holidays. Tame, talks a little. Please text for more info
SOLDI have a young sun conure, around 8-12 months not entirely sure if age. She is super sweet, hand tame and amazing with kids and other birds. Flys to you…