2 beautiful Fisher's born in March unable to keep due to a move must stay together very bonded . All the food and toys are included.
SOLDYoung female Cockatail BIRD. $150 or Best Offer Email or text if interested..
SOLD15 yr old parrot.. Comes with $350 cage in excellent condition.. Please feel free to contact me with any questions
SOLDSimply gorgeous violet Indian Ringneck babies. 12 weeks old, hand fed and hand tamed, know their step up command. Eating natural pellets and fresh foods…
SOLDBeautiful parakeet pair for sell.Beautiful light yellow and teal greenish color, one male and one female, ready for a new home!
SOLDAfter a year together this pair began breeding. We need to get them to a home that would like breeders. We travel too much to keep up.
SOLDWe are looking to rehome our adorable 7 year old black headed Caique. He is a healthy bird who is affectionate and sweet. He loves to eat, sing, play and…
SOLDProven pair of English Budgies. They are young and have had 1 successful clutch.
SOLDI have 2 pair of young, proven English Budgies. Each have had 1 clutch and working their boxes. $300 each pair
SOLDSelling our 5 years old yellow nape amazon, He is semi tame and great for breeding, He talks & he is on premium diet and likes fruits & veggies, Perfect…