Born December 25th 2021 No returns, no money back. Only pick up. TEXT ME if interested. please Must be over 18 years old to contact me
SOLDTengo 2 parejas de cockatiel $300 como pareja, no acepto menos más información, escríbeme un mensaje
SOLD4 month old baby cocktiels hand tamed yellow is a male white and black is female only selling to bird owners
SOLDHandfed. Beautiful, healthy, cockatiels. My birds are home raised with tender loving care. Please leave contact information, cell phone so that I can return…
SOLDBeautiful, sweet, handfed, newly weaned cockatiels are ready for a new home . Please leave a number where I can reach you.
SOLDShe is ready for her new home! This sweetheart is sure to make someone the most amazing and unique feather baby. She loves everyone. And will fly right…
SOLDBaby 5 months old male white fronted Amazon Parrot. Smallest of all Amazon Parrots. Not as loud as the bigger one, but just as smart. He already says…
SOLDHappy, fun loving, really friendly! Just weaned hand-fed Caique. Always wants to be with people. So young that still has baby colors.
SOLDJust weaned. DNA male. Really super sweet. Actually starting to try and talk. Hatched Feb 14, 2023. Raised in my home. Handfed by me. What more…
SOLDHand Fed, Beautiful, Cinnamon Dilute Baby. Loves to be in your hands. To perch on your finger and climb on you. Very sweet bird. This baby is really unique…