Beautiful baby pineapple green cheek, ready to go home in a few weeks. Hand feed and friendly.
SOLD2 Beautiful blue fronted amazon, He is 8 months old. he or she likes talk to whistle Delta cargos or in person
SOLDBlue and Gold Macaw is one year old very beautiful colors loves to climb up on a perch and swing and do tricks.
SOLDHarlequin Macaw loves to dance to music. Likes to swing around. Friendly like to be held and talked too.
SOLDWe have Baby Mynah birds for sale they are babies. You can train them to sound exactly like whatever sound you like.
SOLDShe is missing some feathers on her back, but she is sweet and was handfed. She still deserves some love. We have no idea if her feathers will grow back…
SOLDHatched on 11/20/22 about 11 weeks old, hand tamed, and hand raised Gender: Based on the tail stripes and how quiet, we think she is a girl Personality…
SOLDProven pair of parrotlets. Male is albino, female is blue lutino. Approximately 2-3 years old. Will allow handling, but aren't actively seeking human touch…
SOLDMale (Mav) and female (Connie) sun conure pair. Both are tame and have never bit us. Female has laid eggs, but we always throw them out to avoid any babies…
SOLDBeautiful green cheek conure pair both birds come with dna sexed certificate call 3473047788 with any questions