handfed baby. great personality and very fun. dna male. normal color but split yellow side and dilute
SOLDis 3 months old and very sweet bird. loves to be out with us. is eating pellets and chopped vegies.
SOLDsweet hand fed parakeet. 10 weeks old ready to go to a new home
SOLDA wonderful 3 month old cute cockatiel for $250. Available and ready now for you.
SOLDTwo wonderful 6 month old cockatiel and a wonderful 3 month old cockatiel. One for $200, two for $350, and all three for $500. Genders, they are young…
SOLDMature breeding pair. We had them for 2 years and we had babies from them.
SOLDWe Have 7 Parakeets for sale, we brought them when they were two month old, they are about 2 years old and ready to breed. we have albino, latino, blue…
SOLDI have 4 canaries. 1 male and 3 female. The male sings and is an orange sherbet color. I have a solid white female and 2 orange sherbet females. I would…
SOLDHermosos cokatieles bien cuidados y alimentados a mano y desparasitados para que su cokatiel no lo pique son muy amigables y vienen a usted solitos 100…
SOLDbeautiful cockatiel very well hand raised so that it does not bite you very friendly you can send a message at any time please only serious buyers