037 Is a sweet little girl she will be ready in a couple of weeks she is in the process of weaning. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed…
SOLD031 Is a sweet little will be boy ready around the first of June. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed. Double yellow sided. For more information…
SOLD. Double yellow sided Conure baby boy will come with paperwork. 040 Is a sweet little boy and won't be ready until around the first of June, he will be…
SOLD039 Is a sweet little boy will be ready in a couple of weeks he is in the process of weaning. Comes with paperwork, well socialized and hand fed. Double…
SOLDThis little girl is sweet loving and just about ready for her forever home she loves cuddles and just hanging out with her human companion. DNA tested…
SOLDThis sweet little girl is just about ready for her forever home. She is sweet likes to just hang out with her people and take it all in. Double yellow…
SOLDThis little man is so sweet and loving he just loves to hang out with his human. DNA tested Male comes with paperwork. He is just days from being weaned…
SOLDI have tried to tame Disco and he keeps reverting back so he will make a better breeder for someone. I have DNA paperwork for him
SOLDHi there, I am looking to help my mom with rehoming her cockatoo. Her name is Ava and she is an umbrella cockatoo. Here are some pictures of her baby.…
SOLDUlu is a middle-age African Grey who has been in our family since she was adopted as a hand-raised 6-month-old. She is healthy, adaptable to new surroundings…