A six month old handfed female albino budgie is ready for her new home. Super playful and friendly to human. Close Photos will be provided upon request…
SOLDLooking for a GOOD home for my adult male Goffin cockatoo . His name is Baby. Family Pet for over 15 years . This is the second time I put him up . …
SOLD2023 1st clutch baby 9 weeks old, fully weaned DNA male colbolt. Very dark and beautiful!
SOLDBeautiful dark yellow Quaker,
SOLD6 week old Quakers, blue/blue crossovers Green opaline split dark eye yellow 3 blue 1 green opaline available
SOLDSOLD Sweet bird. DNA male. Reason for selling is that we work all the time and can not provide enough interaction. He loves attention. Would be happy just…
SOLDHealthy green quakers available. Shipping may be possible once ready, for additional fee. Sexing available for additional $25 Pretty Exotic Birds, LLC…
SOLDFemale Harlequin macaw about 7-8 years old. Banded and disease tested. Not handled and quiet. NO SCAMS NO CODES Pretty Exotic Birds, LLC FWC licensed…
SOLDAdult High Yellow Sun conure males available. $700 each. Shipping for additional fee. Banded, DNA, disease testing. NO SCAMS NO CODES Pretty Exotic…
SOLDBaby Female Eclectus, available. For hand-feeding $2700, once fully weaned $3000. NO SCAMS NO CODES Pretty Exotic Birds, LLC FWC licensed www.prettyexoticbirds…