Young male peal pied split lutino. Hand tame and loves head scratches. Young Female lutinos are also available 150
$200Young male light pied split lutino. He is very sweet once he gets to know you. Hand tame and loves head scratches. I also have female lutino pearls available…
$150Male Green Quaker. Loves attention and very sweet. Says many, many words and phrases, and still learning new words almost daily. On an excellent diet of…
$450Two best friends that absolutely must stay together. Half-Moon Conure and Blue Quaker. They've been together since they hatched and will not eat if separated…
$850Two beautiful Indian Ringnecks. One male Lutino and one female Turquoise. Lutino is semi tame. Both talk and whistle quite a bit. On an excellent diet…
$1,400Beautiful female Pearl Tiel. Very sweet. Cash only. We do not ship.
$100Beautiful Normal Grey Tiel with lovely crest. Cash Only. We do not ship.
$100Beautiful male Sun Conure. On an excellent diet of Hari Tropimix and fresh fruit and veggies daily. Friendly, sweet, says his name, "Rocket", and several…
$800Male Sun Conure. Very sweet and loving. Says his name, Good Night, and several other phrases. On an excellent diet of Hari Tropimix and fresh veggies and…
$850Beautiful Cinnamon Pied Tiel. Very sweet but a bit shy. On an excellent diet of Hari Tropimix and fresh veggies daily.