7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLDI have a male and female comes with their cage.due to health condition I need to rehome they are about 5 years old
SOLDDue to health conditions I need to rehome them. They will come with their cage . 1 male 1 female bonded
SOLDWhite face male cockatiel can be a breeder or a pet
SOLDMale Yellow pied. 9 wks old weaned. Parent fed. Seeds diet with some veggies and fruits. He’ll sit and stay still in your hands but little scared when…
SOLDFemale parrotlets, 1 green pied, 1 yellow 3 month old Parent Fed Albany NY AREA no shipping.2 greens sold.
SOLDParrotlet blue female parent fed but handled regularly. 6 wks old. Albany NY location. i dont ship my birds.
SOLDTurqouise Pied Male Parrotlet. 2 yrs old. Tame. Albany NY area.
SOLD2 yr old Male green parrotlet. Tame. Albany NY area.
SOLDTurqoiuse blue female parrotlet but she looks white.Tame but aggressive when shes on her cage. shes nice when in your hand and sometimes let you scratch…