They are very playful and talkative! They were born April 15nth 2022. Each cockatiel is $175 one boy and one girl!
SOLDThree baby cockatiels that are two and a half months old and $175 each, all females and very friendly. Let me know if your interested. You will be able…
SOLDVery friendly and playful, And was born on 17 December, 2021.
SOLDCute and playful, was born on December 17,2021. Has big beautiful round eyes.
SOLDsweet handfed baby turquoise quaker. weaning now
SOLDsweet handfed peach face love bird. very beautiful baby, rare colors. dna sexed female
SOLDsweet and beautiful baby. dna sexed girl.
SOLDsweet and beautiful dilute yellow side. dna sexed male
SOLDvery sweet handfed cinnamon turquoise, sexed linked female.
SOLDsweet handfed dilute green cheek.