Rosy Bourke Parakeets. One Rubino and one Pale Fallow. Hatched 8/23/22 & 8/28/22. Parent raised. Believe to both to be female.
SOLDYoung Mosaic Male Canary great singer ready for his forever home! No shipping Pickup Only!
SOLDCanary Mosaic red and white young female unsexed but believe its a female
SOLDYoung bronze Canary ready for it forever home unsexed but believe its a male
SOLDBird is named Lindy. She is 20 years old. My mom can’t take care of her anymore. Looking for a good home. Includes the bird cage.
SOLDThis is Coco only 3 years old Umbrella Cockatoo. Very friendly parrot. He can talk, dance, wave and he's leash trained. Unfortunately both of us me and…
SOLDHi is boy, his name is Charle. He talk a word, hello, joking, dance. …., I take care him a few month because my job no time for him. I want new house…
SOLDI have a pair of budgies just going through their first molt. We just don't have the time to truly spend with them and feel that we can't give them the…
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados male available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available…
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados male available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available…