I have several young parrotlets were hand fed greens $200 each blue $250 each
SOLDProven yellow male kakariki 2 years old
SOLDHave a 1 year old green male kakariki was not hand fed
SOLDHave available a young DNA sexed Rubino Rosella not hand fed (no shipping available) $700
SOLDLoving female Cockatoo. Have had her since less than 1 year old. She loves to cuddle, dance, sing and take showers. Good with kids, dogs and cats. Change…
SOLD1 year old Jenday Conure. He is very sweet and friendly but unfortunately traveling for my job has increased and I don’t have as much time with him as…
SOLDCinnamon pied baby…very outgoing and friendly.. cheerful little singer..
SOLDQuality gloster canaries males and females young adults. Males singing ready to breed or to enjoy as a beautifully singing pet.
SOLDWelcome to The Conure Perch Aviary. We are a small home based aviary specializing solely in breeding Green Cheek Conures. We currently have two baby…
SOLDHatch date was July 2022. Neptune is a healthy, tame, people friendly Pineapple Green Cheek Conure full of fun and personality Fully flighted Neptune…