SOLD. Super sweet male parrotlet baby. Just weaned.
SOLD$300 or best reasonable offer Adopted for my son, but isn’t the kind of bird he is looking for. Will sell with cage and small huts for $350. She…
SOLDI need to rehome my cockatiels. They are both female DNA tested . They are wonderful birds and passive in nature .We have only had them for a few months…
SOLD6 month old male lovebird was hand fed and is ready for a new home. He bites a little. We have certified DNA which guarantees that he is male.
SOLD4 month old hand fed lovebird ready for a new home, she bites a little bit
SOLD4 month old hand fed male lovebird ready for a new home, bites a little
SOLD7 month old female lovebird ready for a new home, this bird bites a little
SOLDyoung male green lovebird hand fed dosent bite
SOLDyoung female blue lovebird with DNA sex certification
SOLDyoung female lovebird with sex certification