African gray 6-9 years old he is very friendly and talker says hello I love you some songs
SOLD3 male goldbreasts available. 2 hatched in my aviary summer of 2023.
SOLDBaby Fischer Lovebirds. Their hatch dates are: October 21, 22, & 25. They’re being hand fed, & are very friendly don’t bite. Contact me for more information…
SOLD2 year old female India blue peahen. Pick up only. Healthy.
SOLD4 healthy young pea chicks. Gender unknown. Indigo blue. $75 Pick up
SOLDHealthy year old male ostrich.
SOLDPlaning to rehome my beautiful, very friendly, playful bird, handfed & tamed, 6 months old , Gender unknown. Without cage (bird only) Price firm and…
SOLDHello I'm rehoming my beautiful amazon pair female is Yellow crowned about 4 years old handtamed. The male is Yellow nape not sure on age not handtamed…
SOLDBeautiful female whiteface cockatiel, hand-raised in our family home with children and other pets and has been handled daily. The mom is a cinnamon whiteface…
SOLDHi I'm rehoming my yellow nape Amazon parrot. Male his name is Rocky. He is about 6 years old and hand tamed any questions please message $2000 O.B.O…