Kermit Is a beautiful male eclectus. He is very sweet and loves attention. I am rehoming him because he needs more attention than we can give him. We have…
SOLDexcuse the baby food on his/ her face. Beautiful hand fed lutino
SOLDHave an English budgie breeder pair for rehoming. Reducing my flock and no longer breeding. Male is sf grey split cinnamon and hen is sky blue opaline…
SOLDThis is MAMMU, he is a very vocal and loves to dance. He loves treats and eats from your hand hand. He loves his fruits and veggies. He is very healthy…
SOLDPair of bonded lovebirds, approximately 1 year old. Unsexed, but at least one laid eggs this past spring. Comes with huge double decker cage, food, toys…
SOLDCockatiel Family - DAD, MOM, and DAUGHTER family, comes with free cage. There are tamed and love to have outside the cage time. They whistle and chat a…
SOLDMyka is a 6year old Male Citron Cockatoo . Very talkative and talented. This is a high energy bird , with a large vocabulary. Loves to ride .Comes with…
SOLDHand fed, DNAd female pineapple green cheeked conure. Very friendly and loves to be close. Comes with DNA certificate and starter container of feed and…
SOLDHand fed, DNAd male green cheeked conure with exceptional exotic color and markings. Friendly and loves to be on your shoulder or near wherever you are…
SOLDTwo green cheek conures they are a bonded pair, so they need to go together. The pineapple GCC has been DNA tested she is a female, the suncheek GCC I…