Baby lovebirds hand fed and hand tame will be ready in approximately 3 weeks
SOLDBaby lovebirds looking for a loving home soon currently still handfeeding hatch dates are April 1 and 3 rd. Hand tame and really sweet.
SOLDYoung male Stafford canaries are healthy and have already begun to practice singing. Their father is a Gloster with corona. Mother is a frosted red factor…
SOLDYoung female Stafford canary is beautiful and healthy. Her father is a Gloster with corona. Mother is a frosted red factor, so she may color to an orange…
SOLDI have 2 couples of couple are yellow, adults and one couple white young can sell them together or separated.
SOLDMale Cockatiel (Semi-Tame: 6 Months Old) He's a bit shy, but he doesn't bite, he lost a part in one of his fingers trying to open the door of his cage…
SOLDBaby sun conure hand-fed ready for a new home
SOLDBaby Quaker parrot hand fed ready for a new home
SOLDMale Lovebird 7 Months Old No Tamed
SOLDBaby sun conure hand-fed ready for new home. Only interested people please