Hand fe recently weaned green cheek conure dna male Parent stock all tested negative for polyoma, psittacosis, and beak and feather.
SOLDWe have two hand-raised baby cockatiels available. 8 weeks old, weaned and ready for their new homes. These two are incredibly sweet, friendly and have…
SOLDThis is Gracie. She is a master mimic - talks in multiple voices and quickly learns new words and sounds. She loves when her people are around. Favorite…
SOLDBourkies (also known as 'sundown parrot') are docile, quiet & ideal for apartments & even aviaries for Lady Gouldian or cockatiel, or especially another…
SOLDMimi (Pineapple Conure 7 yoa), Maui (Green Cheek Conure) approx 5 yoa, 2 babies approx 1 yoa. A flight cage included and another expensive cage. Maui and…
SOLDI'm devastated to have to list my parrot due to a major unexpected life change. Ideally I would like for him to go to someone with parrot experience and…
SOLDThe Creamino Parakeet is a rare mutation in the Budgie world. Super Friendly with a unique charm. Hand raised Baby Parakeet Chicks. Exotics. Male and…
SOLDHand raised Baby Parakeet Chicks. Exotics. Male and Female. COME BY AND SEE OUR AVIARY If you're thinking of owning a small bird, Call or visit my…
SOLDHand raised Baby Parakeet Chicks. Exotics. Male and Female. COME BY AND SEE OUR AVIARY If you're thinking of owning a small bird, Call or visit my…
SOLDBaby Parakeets. All colors. Please let us know if you have any questions and Thank you. If you're thinking of owning a small bird, Call or visit my…