I have an Orange wing Amazon Male. Love women don't care for men. Has a good Vocabulary.
$1,500I have a beautiful Indian ring Neck male. Not hand tame
$600I have a bonded pair of Green Cheeks. They are a little over a year old. Not tame and must stay together.
$300I have a beautiful Easter Rosella Female Breeding age for sale. Not tame
$500Adult male Alexandrine Wants to breed but my female only has eyes for me. He talks but is NOT hand tame. Eats a varied diet of seeds, pellets, nuts…
$2,000Peachface lovebirds, approx 1 year old. Semi tame, were handfed as babies just don't get enough attention $150.00 per bird
$150Had for 1 month Male parrot, about one year old (very trainable with time) He’s sweet and loves head scratches with time but we aren’t allowed to keep…
$800I am needing to downsize. These guys are not tame. One is a yellow headed, one is a yellow naped and the smallest is Charlie. He will step up and give…
SOLDI have 1 cinnamon colored tame but hand shy green cheek conure left. She is eating a cockatiel seed mix with unsalted walnuts added, fresh veggies…
SOLDGreen cheeks in Thomasville Georgia (just north of Tallahassee Florida). Some hand fed and tame babies and some young breeder pairs. Can go with or…