He's sweet, playful, whistles. I hand fed and raised him. He's ready for a new home.
SOLDMale, 2years-ish. His partner died. Looking for new home. Raised in busy home with multiple dogs and cats. Can be held. Has not flown much. Needs…
SOLDAccepting deposits on two Alexandrine parakeets. They are very affectionate and loving. I raise them in my living room with my family so they are very…
SOLDAccepting a deposit on one baby half moon conure. DNA pending, but should be back any day. They are very affectionate and loving. They are used to other…
SOLDDNA tested female 7months old.
SOLD2 year old Male and female cockatiels laying eggs. They need a forever home with experienced owners. Friendly but have not been socialized in the last…
SOLDI have two 8 week old babies. They will step up on Stick. They both eat well on their own. I am selling for 200 each unless sold together. I would prefer…
SOLDI have 2 10 week old babies. They are fully weaned and eating reg. Cockatiel food. They are hand tame and step up on command to hand or stick. I can't…
SOLD8 week old tiel for sale the first week of May. Will know how to step up when asked to hand and stick. I have coparented so its comfortable being around…
SOLD5 week old available at 8 weeks. I have coparented. Baby steps up on command and is hand tame.