I have a 2 year old male Eclectus I am looking for a home for. He is in good health, fully feathered, and he is very tame and friendly. I do not clip his…
SOLDThis bird is sold.
SOLDCute handle-able baby budgie that love to cuddle in your neck and has a recessive albino gene. Raised by parents and hand fed by owner.
SOLDI have a young true pair of green cheek (2 yrs old) breeding pair with DNA certificates. They are very loving towards each other: eat, drink and bath…
SOLDWe are moving and cannot take our cockatiels with us so we need to find them a loving home soon! This pair may look a little rough around the edges…
SOLDFemale parakeet is white and male parakeet is yellow/green. The male is super sweet. He does not bite at all and stays on your finger. The female is aggressive…
SOLDHatched on April 26, 2023. We named him Sunshine since he brought us so much joy with his bright yellow head. Now we need to make room for his newest siblings…
SOLDMature female cockatiel ready for a partner and to lay eggs (has laid some unfertile eggs already). Naturally fed and raised by her parents. Is estimated…
SOLDHatched on June 16, 2023. Was naturally fed and raised by her parents. Is ready to live on her own. Comes on your finger, but needs some training overall…
SOLDI currently have a bonded pair available. Will travel up to 50 miles to meet with deposit. Price is NEGOTIABLE. Please reach out with questions. The…