Meet Hedwig. He is a cuddle bird. He likes to cuddle, talk and scratch his head( his way of asking you for a head scratch) and be out of the cage. He is…
SOLD"Tooki" is a great talker and is 2yrs old. He can say his name, hello, what are you doing and etc. He steps up for anyone and has no gender preference…
SOLDRosie is an absolute doll. She is 8 yrs old. She dances, steps up, cuddles, waves and gives you a massage. Her prefers females but isn’t outwardly aggressive…
SOLDWeaned in June but has not been held much since then. Still will be fine and sweet when handled does not bite and wants attention. Won’t take much for…
SOLDSold Baby weaned tamed hand fed Male parrotlets available NOW… 1/31/24. adorable green male $250 each, ( green band baby in photo)
SOLDSweet boy available NOW… don’t miss out on owning a sweet and spicy tiny parrot. They can change you forever. (Gold band boy in photo) Go green for Valentine…
SOLDOne year old female parrotlet. Likes to be out of the cage, not tame.
SOLDBudgies for sell. $100 for one pair with cage. $150 with Acrylic cage(new) $40 for one 2 green: 4 months old, tamed. (sold) 1 white: 3 months old…
SOLDFully bonded pair of green cheek conures. One has been sexed as female, the other we believe to be male based on their behavior. Quirky, curious birds…
SOLDTame, talks, loving Cage included