Looking for a good home for my tame Jenday conure. Unsure of sex. Around 1 year old. Friendly but does need someone with bird experience.
$600New babies every 4 months. Text for latest pics. See us on social media.. #parsonsfamilybirds
$140adult breeding pair of keel bill toucans .feel free to contact me at 619 415 4792 .
$6,000breeding pair of emerald toucanets .call me 619 415 4792
$3,000baby hand fed tamed yellow nape amazon i have males and female non related pairs .you can reach me at 619 415 4792
$2,500i have baby hand fed dna male and female tamed keel bill toucans you can reach me at 619 415 4792
$3,000American dilute green cheek conure 5-7 months $280 each were all handraised but no longer tame they do occasionally bite
$280Baby dilute $380 as is to handraise
$380Canary wings between 5-6 months were all handraised but no longer tame they dont bite hard but also dont like to be grabbed as much as they used to $280…
$280Baby cockatiels still being handfed 2 times a day $140 each