Pair of Mute Swans. Male is 4 years old and the female is 2 years old. Delivery available to most states. $2200
SOLD3 year old female Trumpeter Swan. Pinioned. Delivery available to most states. $3000
SOLDFemale 2 yr old, quirky little clown. She can be friendly but prefers to interact with men over women. Deposit will hold, cash at delivery or pick up is…
SOLDBeautiful baby lovebirds hatched the week of 3.3.24 . Parent raised. They are adorable little clowns. 1. Green, 2. Blue/green, 1. Lutino, 1. Solid yellow…
SOLD3 baby lovebirds. Hatch date: 10.22.23 Parent raised but they will let me hold them. Perfect age for training. Beautiful colors. $150.00 Parents…
SOLDI have a bonded pair of Yellow Collard Lovebirds for sale. They were hatched early March 2023. They will be gorgeous adults. Would like to sell them together…
SOLDI have one young cockatiel baby left who would make a great pet. Not sure of gender, but very sweet and learning to step up.
SOLDMale DNA -2nd Generation Hybrid Harlequin and Green Wing Parents Beautiful and Large bird. Calm, Reserved, get along with other birds. Will sit on…
SOLDDNA- Male 4 years old- raised from baby Great Talker, not a cuddler. Can send recordings. Will sit on parrot stand all day, talk, eat, and play. Loved…
SOLDI have one baby cockatiel for sale (the hen on the left of picture). No shipping we are located in Monroeville, Pennsylvania willing to meet within reason…