Proven pair 1 1/2 years old(both hatched in 2021) They are good parents and have big babies. They produce: Turquoise, Blue, Marble, and Pied.
SOLDFemale Dutch Blue Peachface Lovebird, she is a breeder and not tame.
SOLDOlivia is handfed and weaned. She is lightly green pied. I have plenty of pics and videos of her. Pick up is in Powhatan VA. I do not ship, if you…
SOLD“Keira” green female Tame/handfed She steps up and loves scratches. She is going through birdie puberty, so she can be moody like most teens lol. …
SOLDCj was hatched in May. Mostly parent raised. I only handfed him the last 2 weeks he was on formula, so he isn’t really tame. Could be tamed with some handling…
SOLDDNA tested, hand raised Pearl Cockateil. Sweet little boy love his head scratches. Comes with his DNA/Hatch certificate.
SOLDDNA tested, hand raised Pearl Cockateil. Sweet little boy love his head scratches. Comes with his DNA/Hatch certificate.
SOLDDNA tested, hand raised Pearl Cockateil. Sweet little boy love his head scratches. Comes with his DNA/Hatch certificate.
SOLD1year old pair of lovebirds. Bonded, not proven.
SOLDAlbino cockatiel babies ready for their new homes. Local pu only.