I decided to keep him
SOLDThis is Baby and I need to rehome him I haven't gotten him to talk but he loves to whistle! Very colorful and kind of shy. Local only.
SOLDMimi (Pineapple Conure 7 yoa), Maui (Green Cheek Conure) approx 5 yoa, 2 babies approx 1 yoa. A flight cage included and another expensive cage. Maui and…
SOLDBourkies (also known as 'sundown parrot') are docile, quiet & ideal for apartments & even aviaries for Lady Gouldian or cockatiel, or especially another…
SOLDBreeder Male Yellow Shoulder for sale (Troy) PROVEN, Good Father. Troy is a least 25 yrs. old. Send a message, Serious inquiries only!
SOLDFemale Black Headed Caique - Penny Penny has been a pet her entire life and she does not like everyone, only a select few. She can be very aggressive…
SOLDFemale Yellow Naped Amazon - Lizzy Lizzy is an aggressive female. Unknown age. Serious Buyers Only!
SOLDBreeder Male Yellow Shoulder Amazon (Sam) Unknow age but at least 15 yrs. old. Unproven. Send a message, Serious inquiries only!
SOLDI have two nice hens for sale. I bought a cock and three hens a few months ago. The hens have been bickering to be chosen by the cock. He made his choice…
SOLDI have two handfed and hand tame parakeets. Both are male and very friendly and playful. Green is 8 months and White is 6 months old. They come with…