One left 7 week old baby Green Cheek conure still hand feeding will be ready in 2 weeks can meet now if you like DNA test is pending they are the most…
SOLD6 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st 2022. Beautiful cinnamon baby with orange cheeks and yellow head. Sweet and outgoing happy…
SOLD5weeks old still hand feeding will be ready to go around March 1st. Beautiful pearl baby yellow head orange cheeks. Smart wonderful bird very friendly…
SOLD5 weeks old will be ready to go around March 1st 2022. Beautiful high yellow body and orange cheeks. Best family bird very social and sweet. This is a…
SOLD5 weeks old still hand feeding will be ready around March 1st. Beautiful dark grey with orange cheeks is split to cinnamon and pearl parents but he is…
SOLDI hay15 parakeet available $25 each or 5 for $100
SOLDI have 3 available $100 each or all 3 for $250
SOLDhave 2 Baby cockatiels for rehoming and cage+food+toys.
SOLDWillie is a 23 yr old male and needs to be rehomed because I am getting divorced and will have to move somewhere much smaller and my job has become more…
SOLDTwo sweet and beautiful cockatiels for sale. Both hand fed and tame. Both love scritches and music. The male sings September and will copy whistles. The…