We have a few hand fed and non hand fed parakeets available. our phone number
$60DNA confirmed female. She has just weaned and is super sweet. She loves attention and likes to cuddle.
$900This little girl is ready for her new home. She is very sweet and will make a great companion.
$350This little girl is ready now. She is sweet and like scritches.
$3502 Peahens age 2.5 years Juveniles: 1 male, 1 female age 5 months.
$50Well cared for, very healthy singing Canaries.
SOLDI have 2 cockatiels that need a new home. I am getting too old to care for them the way they should be. They like to come out and fly around. They both…
SOLD100 each We have two wonderful hand fed female cockatiels ready for a home! They are friendly, playful, intelligent, and curious. They need homes that…
SOLDDNA confirmed male. He is now weaned and ready for his home. This guy is a rascal. He likes to roll onto his back and play. He also loves to play in my…
SOLDDNA confirmed male. He is bold and feels he is in charge. He has been hand fed and is now weaned.