Her name is Bo. Tame & Steps up. Congo African Grey Female. No plucking. Loves to talk, dance and hangout. Truly a sweet bird with a great personality…
SOLDI have this female for sale. She is 6 years old .. very friendly for with all my kids. She talk a lot and very quick learner. If you teach her some word…
SOLD10 parakeets for sale. $35.00/each OR $140 for all 10 including the cage and supplies.
SOLD2 beautiful Fisher's born in March unable to keep due to a move must stay together very bonded . All the food and toys are included.
SOLD6 budgies for rehoming. 3 males and 3 females. Must go in pairs as parakeets are community birds. Not hand tamed.
SOLD2 month old lutino and albino budgies available. Pickup from Ellicott City MD. $50 for the pair. These are half English budgies. Parakeet/Budgie
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLDYoung whiteface cinnamon cockatiel needs rehoming. Unsure of gender but believed to be female. Tame but unsocialized. DOES NOT COME WITH CAGE. BIRD…
SOLDGender is unknown but believed to be male based on behaviors. Unsure of specific hatch date but it was around late August. Parents are a whiteface split…