Blue baby quaker ready for a new home. Fully handfeed. Sex is unknown.
SOLDI have a 1yr old male conure with awesome colors. He is a healthy bird and very smart. He will go with his cage and toys. Message me if you want more information…
SOLDI have a 9yr old male alexandrine he is awesome very smart says a couple words waves hi and even blows kisses and still learning. He is shy at first but…
SOLD1 month old FEMALE pineapple Conure.born on 7/14/24 will be ready 9/14/24. I do have DNA certifícate available. I can hold with a 150.00 deposit through…
SOLDBorn 7/6/24 Female pineapple Conure. I have DNA certificate available. Will be ready for a new home 9/6/24, I can hold with a 150.00 deposit through PayPal…
SOLDWe have 1 new baby bird left. She has been hand fed four times a day since two weeks old. She is super sweet and tame. She was DNA tested and is a female…
SOLDPending sale. I have two budgies that need a home. Sweet, loves millet, smart birds. Young, bonded pairs, would like to rehome them in pairs if possible…
SOLDComes with cage and starter food. Will need socializing since he is a baby!
SOLDKasimir is a hand raised, 4 year old male Cockatiel. He has not been dna tested, but he is -definitely- male. I raised him myself from hatch. He eats well…
SOLDBaby cockatiels available. Hand feeding experience required