Kermit Is a beautiful male eclectus. He is very sweet and loves attention. I am rehoming him because he needs more attention than we can give him. We have…
SOLD7 year old Sunconure unsure of Sex but was told he is a boy. Really likes to go onto a perch if outside of cage. Originally not hand tamed but has made…
SOLDHappy girl, content in her cage, mimics me and the dogs. Hasn’t gotten the attention she deserves since the kids left home and enjoys a family. Needs someone…
SOLDHappy boy, content in his cage. Hasn’t gotten the attention. He deserves since the kids left home. Would love to be around a family again. He doesn’t have…
SOLDCoco is very friendly and loving. She laughs and loves to snuggle, plays with her toys and cardboard and loves music. She lays an egg approximately 1…
SOLDThis is Hubert . Less than a year old cockatiel. Will come to you when you call it’s name,. Loves headscratches once it gets to know you. has learned to…
SOLDamazon red lure parrot for sale, he is a boy, had him for a year, don’t know how old he is,he is blind in one eye from previous owners, price is negotiable…
SOLDBreeding macaw (blue and gold)for sale, we are asking 3500 for them. That’s the lowest we can go. They are not tamed, they are for BREEDING!!!
SOLDThe 4 young conures. Not tame. Gender unknown. Message for more info.
SOLDI have a young blue lace wing Indian Ring Neck available. It is flighted but not hand tame. Young enough to work with if you have experience with taming…