Tame male and female blue Quaker parrot. They are sold together as they have bonded. They are 10-11 months old and not ready for breeding, but could likely…
SOLDVery sweet hand fed and handled daily. They are 3 months old eating seed and transitioning to pellets. They are learning to sing, talk, and love playing…
SOLDOne pair bonded Parakeets breeding pair. Female is Greywing light-green opaline, 1 1/2 years old Male is Albino with skyblue, 2 1/2 years old. The…
SOLD40 bird only 150 with cage and all accessories like lamp and heater including food to last probably a lifetime Cage is 5 feet long; also includes travel…
SOLDI am selling my 9-month-old cockatiel: female (DNA tested), pearl, hand-tame, friendly, playful. Her hatch sister recently escaped, and I am unable…
SOLDThis is a male parrotlet about a year old. He is content in his cage and not loud. He will let you hold him but takes some time to get used to you. $50…
SOLDHaving to re home my very sweet, talkative 8 year old female African Grey due to my health issues! Must be able to pick up in North Carolina
SOLDThis is MAMMU, he is a very vocal and loves to dance. He loves treats and eats from your hand hand. He loves his fruits and veggies. He is very healthy…
SOLDCockatiel Family - DAD, MOM, and DAUGHTER family, comes with free cage. There are tamed and love to have outside the cage time. They whistle and chat a…
SOLDTwo female canaries available. They are a yearbold from the same hatching. Canaries do not like to be handle, some can be more personal than another…