Layla loves sing and sing her name. She has a very large vocabulary and says I love you a lot especially when she sees you eating. I am moving. I cannot…
SOLD10-month-old Sun Conure for Sale - $650 - contact me at our email address or our phone number. I am located in Baltimore, Maryland. The sun conure is very…
SOLD2 Quaker Parrots around 6 to 7 months. Our son needs to find a home because they have 3 big dogs so these 2 don't get out of cage much. They do step…
SOLDWe have 4 and 5 month old Quakers. 1 blue and 1 green. We cannot give them the time they need. Just starting to learn things. Contact for more info.
SOLDWe have a 4 month old blue Quaker and a 5 month old green Quaker. Needs new home. We don't have the time and attention like they need. $500 a piece…
SOLDPENDING PICKUP ON FRIDAY. KEEPING LISTING ACTIVE UNTIL IM SURE THE SALE IS FINALIZED. First I want to say this bird is my baby, so it’s very hard for me…
SOLDI’m selling my Beautiful African Gray Parrot Cisco under doctors orders to do so since I have breathing issues. She turned 22 on 4/29/2023. I inherited…
SOLDFairly friendly, vet checked. Feathers are starting to come back in nicely. Would recommend to an experienced bird owner due to some anxiety. Does best…
SOLDI have a 1 year old Indian ringneck I’d like to rehome. he is very sweet, steps up and gives kisses.
SOLDBaby Conures born on 5/9 & 5/13. DNA tested and both males. Handfed and hand tame. Extremely sweet and friendly. Fully weaned.