Pair GCC 10 months old.
$400Proven Pair forsale
$300Pair of Fischer Lovebirds.About 10 months.
$250Pair of lovebirds.
$250Cockatiels available 8 weeks old Hand raised They are Perfectly handtam and grown in clean environment with no inbreeding and we never used artificial…
$260Ninfas jovenes y adultas 100 dlrs cualquier color
$100Ninfas adultas no domesticadas
$100Handtame parrotlet available They are Perfectly hand tamed from 1st day no need a little work or training like scammers say we dont clip there wings so…
$2402 African Grey Timneh babies available. They are currently 3.5 months old and still being spoon fed (1-2 times a day). They are eating pellets and fresh…
$3,5002 Mooncheek girls available. Nebula hatched 10/28 and is on the timid side. But once out of the cage, she enjoys riding on the shoulder and getting cheekrubs…