Young yellow fallow/(red eyed) hen handfed hatched last April. Has not been handled much in the last few months. Better as a breeder. From Little Boogers…
$175Young male, no dna. Hand fed but not handled much. He has been caged with another bird and is used to being out a lot. His wings are clipped and he stays…
$775Tame and sweet female Catalina. She is between 7-10 years old and loves to come out and be apart of whatever is going on. She loves to flap her wings and…
$3,200Assumed female, but not DNA'ed... Very sweet baby Derbyan ready to go home! If interested please visit our shop! Fancy Feathers, located at 1895 Beaver…
$2,850Have parakeets a variety of colors and ages. Some are babies and others would be best as breeders. I also have handfed English budgies for $110. if interested…
$35We have a variety of colors. We have mosaic, red factor, yellow and yellow brown. They are beautiful and we have males and female. most of the males already…
$130Friendly caiques. Playful and loving. Caiques are known as being the clowns of the bird world. They like to hop and tap their toes on things. Currently…
$2,800Handfed babies. Sweet and funny. Not DNA tested, yet. Some are weaned and some still handfeed. They range in age from 3-4 months. If your interested in…
$750Two babies available at the moment. They oldest is ready to go home now. He is really playful and funny. He steps up and is talking. If you would like…
$6,500This Moluccan Cockatoo baby is hand-fed and DNA'ed female. She loves to be pet and get cuddles. Moluccan Cockatoos are the biggest of all the cockatoos…