A bonded pair of DIAMOND DOVES! Diamond doves are tiny, elegant, and delicate-looking birds whose body is about the size of a lovebird with a long tail…
SOLDA pair of Peach and Blue white-tail Diamond dove! Diamond doves are tiny, elegant, and delicate-looking birds whose body is about the size of a lovebird…
SOLDTame and friendly 6 month old pineapple green cheek Conure. Will step up and eat from your hand, as well as perch on your shoulder. Gender unknown. Likes…
SOLDVery tame and friendly. 6 months old. Will step up and perch on your finger or shoulder. $600. Loves to play on bird play stand. Thanks!
SOLDPineapple green cheeks conures, young adult 1 year of age , discount on multiple birds
SOLDMale dna 1 year not tame , open parrot stand trained, stays on a stand or playground
SOLD1 year old bonded violet pair Healthy
SOLD2 available
SOLD3 available
SOLDPineapple,cinnamon green cheeks conures Young around 4 months old 12 months old of age