He's sweet, playful, whistles. I hand fed and raised him. He's ready for a new home.
SOLD1 year old green female ringneck. Very sweet. Comes with cage and toys and hatch certificate.
SOLD6 year old male green cheek conure. Very friendly. Says many words and phrases. Comes with cage and toys.
SOLD20 months old look at the pic txt for any question
SOLDI have 2 Blue Quaker Babies ready for deposit. They are currently being hand fed and socialized. They will come tame, fully weaned onto a raw food diet…
SOLDI have 3 white face cockatiel babies. They are on 3 hand feeds a day and will be ready in a few weeks. I do not know genders on 2 of them but the cinnamon…
SOLDSweet female. About 11 years old. Healthy vet checked. Only getting ride off because my daughter is allergic to her and none of the allergist suggestions…
SOLDHi there I have a pair of beautiful quakers! The male is a gorgeous blue crossover and the Hen is a fabulous green crossover (yellow)! These guys are still…
SOLDUpdate 10-20 Green Crossover Baby is Pending Deposit Green Pallid Girl is still Available 550$ Hi there I have 2 quaker babies DNA'd females back up…
SOLDUpdate- 10-16 - I have 1 baby cockatiel left is now eating on its own and ready for new home. I have 2 Whiteface cockatiel babies that we have just…