Peacocks hatched last summer June thru September. India blue males $60 each. I also have several pied males and one black shoulder male . They are $90each…
SOLDIndia blue males and females hatched this summer. $60 each. Pied India blue male, also hatched this summer. $90. No shipping, pick up only. Pennsylvania…
SOLD10 month old baby cockatoo with cage. This is one of my babies that came back. The girl that originally bought him had a house cat that was stalking him…
SOLD1 Goffin cockatoo male baby. Hatch day March 22. DNA tested and he is a male. Will be ready for a new home in approximately one month.
SOLD3 1/2 month old female, Goffins cockatoo. Parents are not for sale. Has some minor deformities to her toenails. She has found a new home. But I don…
SOLDTwo hand fed babies Approximately five months old. One male one female. Completely weaned and ready for new homes
SOLDBeautiful WF cinnamon pearl and normal gray ready to breed. Price just reduced!
SOLDBeautiful baby pearl cockatiel is sweet, tame, fully weaned and ready to go home! He even does the wolf whistle already! Pick up in Austintown
SOLDBaby cinnamon pearl cockatiel will be ready in February. I don’t do DNA so I don’t know the sex. Very sweet already! Austintown, Oh
SOLDBaby pearl cockatiel with yellow cheeks. I don’t do DNA so I don’t know the sex. Sweet baby!