HAND FED Cinnamon Cockatiels. Very tame and sweet They will be ready for a forever home mid to late October. Check my facebook for more pictures. …
SOLDHAND-FED Pineapple Green Cheek Conures. They are completely weaned and ready for a forever home! They are socialized, friendly and often funny. There…
SOLDAll sold! HAND-FED from two weeks and very friendly. Two Cinnamons SOLD!
SOLDI have about 15 baby cockatiels for sale
SOLD1 female-hatch date 5/25/22 5 (sexes not sure) hatch date- 7/25/22
SOLDBeautiful African grey that loves women. She is Hormonal and has laid several eggs. She is also trained to a stick when handled by men.
SOLDFemale, cinnamon and male yellow sided, had one clutch of two babies. (they were very very good parents) They must go together. They will step up but tend…
SOLDI have a baby cockatiel with splay leg. I took him to my vet and they said that he can live a healthy and happy life. He is sweet but needs some mild working…
SOLDI have 7 cockatiels that are for sale. 3 unweaned, 2 weaned and ready, and a breeding pair. They are not tame or handfed but with time they can easily…
SOLDI have 5 baby cockatiels for sale. One is a pearl cockatiel and the rest are normal cockatiels. They have been plucked by their parents but their feathers…