Beautiful hand raised turquoise yellow sided conure. Hatch date is 4/23/2023
SOLD9yr old male. Very sweet and yes he talks.
SOLDSweet hand fed, hand tamed parrotlets. 3 boys. 3 girls. Altoona pa
SOLDProven pairs of cockatiels. Approximately 4yrs old. 400.00 per pair or all 4 pair for 1200.00
SOLDBonded pair of conures. Female is a pineapple/turquoise and male is a turquoise. Both around 18 mos old.
SOLDI have a pair of budgies just going through their first molt. We just don't have the time to truly spend with them and feel that we can't give them the…
SOLDYoung male Stafford canaries are healthy and have already begun to practice singing. Their father is a Gloster with corona. Mother is a frosted red factor…
SOLDYoung female Stafford canary is beautiful and healthy. Her father is a Gloster with corona. Mother is a frosted red factor, so she may color to an orange…
SOLDI have 2 couples of couple are yellow, adults and one couple white young can sell them together or separated.
SOLDMale Cockatiel (Semi-Tame: 6 Months Old) He's a bit shy, but he doesn't bite, he lost a part in one of his fingers trying to open the door of his cage…