Bonded Blue Crossover 2 year old male & 2 year old Turquoise Crossover female. Not tame. Local pick up.
SOLD6 months old, dna female. Not hand tame. With a little work, patience & time, she could b very nice pet. Negotiable. Local pu only.
SOLDFemale Lutino . Male Blue Crossover . 2 years old. Not tame. Local pu.
SOLD8 week old Green Crossover. Ready when fully weaned. Negotiable. Local pick up.
SOLD9 month old green female. Not tame. Negotiable.
SOLD4 month old Blue, spilt pallidino male quaker. Not tame. Negotiable.
SOLDFemale Opaline Green available. $300. obo Not tame. Local pick up. No shipping.
SOLDdna 5 month old female Green crossover baby quaker. $400.
SOLDTwo white-bellied caiques (m&f) and nice large cage. $1,500 or best offer for all. Lived at children’s nature center 14 years that has since closed. Friendly…
SOLD5 week old blue quaker baby. Dna male. Local pick up.