4 year old Peafowl pair for sale $450.00 or best offer. He is a Indian Blue split Purple peacock. She is a Cameo Black Shoulder Hen. They have had many…
SOLD4 year old Purple pair for sale. He is a Purple Black Shoulder Pied peacock She is a Purple hen. No shipping or delivery. Contact if interested.
SOLD3 year Old Black Shoulder split Violetta pair for sale. No shipping or delivery. Contact if interested.
SOLDI have two pair 2022 peafowl for sale. $250 per pair or best offer. Males are Indian Blue split Cameos. Females are either Purple Black Shoulder or…
SOLD*Reposted as adoption fell through* I have the absolute sweetest 9 week old baby green cheek conure available. Hatched 1/20/23 (One of the last two available…
SOLDI have the absolute sweetest 9 week old baby green cheek conure available. Hatched 1/20/23 (One of the last two available in a clutch of five.) They were…
SOLDI have the absolute sweetest 9 week old baby green cheek conure available. Hatched 1/18/23 (One of the last two available in a clutch of five.) They were…
SOLDRehoming 2 female American Pacific Parrotlets (American Yellow) ready for breeding. Hatch date 1-2-22, parent raised, not tame. Fee $100.00 each. Contact…
SOLDPair of English breeding Budgies, 1 year old. Female is all white and male is mostly white with light blue belly. Re-homing fee is 120.00 for pair. …
SOLDBonded pair of Peach Faced Lovebirds, will not separate. Male is Dutch Blue (HD 4-3-22) and female is Dilute Opaline (HD 1-23-22), both are DNA'D. Re…