4 months old we’re handed from 4 weeks I have 3 females all different coloring. Text for more pictures 5085096060
SOLD125 each or 220 for both one female yellow orange face male is green with orange face 7 months old not tame father was a green peach face mother was pastel…
SOLD14 weeks old not hand tame mother was pastel , father was green peach face
SOLD8 months old perfect for a breeder has yellow orange, blue and green in the wings not tame text will send more pics
SOLDvery friendly handfed baby
SOLDsweat handfed baby turquoise green cheek about 8 weeks old
SOLDvery sweet female violet turquoise yellow side GCC.
SOLDsweet handfed baby violet creamino
SOLDbeautiful handfed violet pied fischer love bird
SOLDsweet handfed baby normal green cheek.