We are looking to rehome our adorable 7 year old black headed Caique. He is a healthy bird who is affectionate and sweet. He loves to eat, sing, play and…
SOLDi have 2 goffin cockatoos that i need to rehome. both will be together with 2 fairly new 300.00 cages. 1 male and 1 female. female is friendly,male needs…
SOLD8 year old umbrella cockatoo. Super outgoing. No deposits or shipping you must pick get him in person. He talks, mocks my dogs and dances.
SOLD2 (5 year old conures) with cage
SOLD2000 OBO will not do deposits or shipping. Must meet in person.
SOLDYoung male Stafford canaries are healthy and have already begun to practice singing. Their father is a Gloster with corona. Mother is a frosted red factor…
SOLDYoung female Stafford canary is beautiful and healthy. Her father is a Gloster with corona. Mother is a frosted red factor, so she may color to an orange…
SOLDI have 2 couples of canaries.one couple are yellow, adults and one couple white young can sell them together or separated.
SOLDMale Cockatiel (Semi-Tame: 6 Months Old) He's a bit shy, but he doesn't bite, he lost a part in one of his fingers trying to open the door of his cage…
SOLDBaby sun conure hand-fed ready for a new home