These two beautiful finches are available now. Rehoming fee is $50 each. Contact us with any questions.
SOLDI have a 11 year old African Grey for sale. She talks with a large vocabulary and she is hand tamed. I also have a large bird cage and a bird perch that…
SOLDThese beautiful babies will be ready for a now home Aug 07. They are handled and tame.
SOLDWe have two baby cockateils ready for a new home June 15. Hand fed and wings clipped.
SOLDBaby sun , hand fed isready for new home DNA Male He is on pellets , fresh fruit and veggies and ready to go home to his new family. Very sweet loves…
SOLDFemale American turquoise fallow parrotlet. Hatch date March 28 2023. Baby from last Years clutch, did not sell. She is flightly as I never take her out…
SOLD1 little senegal babies available for rehoming. They are almost 3 weeks old. Must know how to hand feed or reserve until weaned. 1000 unweaned 1400…
SOLDFemale dilute blue aka American white parrotlet. May 31st hatch date is weaned and ready for a new home.
SOLDAmerican turquoise male hatch date June 6th. Will be ready soon
SOLDMale blue fallow baby. Hatch date April 1st 2023. I had to use last years band. Baby is weaned and ready for hood new home!