2 cockatiels unsure of sex but need to stay together and come with their cage Under 2 years old
SOLD8 year old umbrella cockatoo. Super outgoing. No deposits or shipping you must pick get him in person. He talks, mocks my dogs and dances.
SOLD2 (5 year old conures) with cage
SOLD2000 OBO will not do deposits or shipping. Must meet in person.
SOLDI have a pair of budgies just going through their first molt. We just don't have the time to truly spend with them and feel that we can't give them the…
SOLDI have a hand tamed and very sweet gold capped conure for sale. She will sit on your shoulder and hang out with you. Never bit and has never gotten nippy…
SOLDUp for sale is gorgeous cockatoo. See pictures! This beautiful creature loves to be petted, handfed, and loves people! Giving away because there's no more…
SOLDMy baby cockatiel will be available within the next few weeks. It is 7 weeks old and in the process of weaning from being hand fed. It is grey and very…
SOLDYoung cockatiel - hand fed and ready to go to a new home. Very sweet, think it’s a female from the markings on her tail.
SOLDAdorable sweet babies are available from our nursery to your home. Raising happy healthy baby birds is our commitment and our passion. Babies sell quickly…