Bonded pair of Eclectus parrots. Very tame, talkative and sweet. Echo, the male is 5 years old and Rio, the female is 4. Exhibiting mating characteristics…
$5,000These sweet babies are as friendly and cuddly as can be. They are hand fed and socialized daily. They love hanging out with their human. They are weaning…
$350Beautiful tame, handfed Kakariki parrot babies to fill your home with laughter and love. Weaned onto RoudyBush Pellets and Fresh fruits and Veggies, these…
$450Yellow quaker
$475Green girl was paired with a male but he recently passed
$75We have decided to keep Mr. Carson as the situation allows … I can not figure out how to delete the ad…
No Price ListedLocal pickup only. Will NOT ship. Very friendly loves to be with people and loves to fly. Comes with large stainless steel cage. 35k
No Price ListedBaby lovebirds. Weaning now.
$200I have a various amount of Yellow, green and blue love birds. I’m willing to sell them sold separately or in groups too. I don’t have any certificates…
$125Bonded pair of beautiful hand tame quakers. Female is 4 months and Lutino. Male is 6 months and Blue. They love eachother endlessly but will step up happily…