Parrolet Females for sale for $350.00 together with large metal cage, and small cage. Large cage can be made into two cages, Toys, Food and Large Play…
$350Cockatiels- Traditional. Hand feeding. $175. Each. Pick up only when weaned. Greenfield Center NY
$175Cockatiels-Whiteface & Pastelface mutations. Hand raising. Starting at $200 each. Pick up only when weaned. Greenfield Center NY
$200Two hand fed baby lovebirds looking for their forever homes. They are both male and very friendly! Both are pied slate color. Born 10/3 & 10/8. $250/ea…
SOLD7 year old female ruby macaw. She prefers women. She is a sweet girl when she gets to know you.
SOLDPurchased Aug 2023, with DOB of May 2023, I believe. I’ve had small parrots before who were able to be outside their cage etc but my current dogs won’t…
SOLDHoliday Special! 100 or best offer baby Cockatiel's about 10 weeks old, DNA tested 2 females ,They are eating well and have been on there own for…
SOLDOne for 275.00 or two for 475.00 They are trying to talk. 2 Beautiful DNA Tested Male 13 week old baby Green Cheek Conures.Ready for there forever…
SOLDI have 2 baby Cockatiel's DNAtested both males (Ash&Freckles) hand tamed, they both step up,love to cuddle up to your neck and get kisses on the beak.…
SOLDDNA tested male friendly, hand tamed 6 week old baby Green Cheek Conure for sale( will be ready for his forever home New Years weekend or the one after…