Playful jenday conure; still hand feeding. Must of had an accident it the nest and is blind in one eye. Makes up for it with its sweet nature. Should…
SOLDCockatiel Ready for new home young handfed cockatiels they are about 2 1/2months old They like to be held a lot, very sweet and clingy Some of them…
SOLDAlbino baby cockatiel. Its about 1 1/2 months old. Almost weaned still crying for formula from time to time but already eating millet and bird seeds. Very…
SOLDIf you want a tamed and loving cockatiels here’s your chance. Baby cockatiel available 1 normal. Previously normal came out as pastelface. By purchasing…
SOLD(I had this same ad before but I took it down, I didn't actually sell my bird) He is a male half-English half-American budgie who is hand-tamed and about…
SOLDHe is a male half english half american budgie who is hand tamed and about a year old. He's very playful and talkative and knows a few phrases. He comes…
SOLDBorn 12/03/23 Beautiful baby blue and gold macaw. The macaw has a splayed leg. Bird is learning how to walk normally even with the right leg being outwards…
SOLDI am selling my beautiful white faced pied cockatiel. I have been calling him Whitey. He is a handsome bird. He is semi tame. He knows step up but doesn…
SOLDI am selling my beautiful white faced pied cockatiel. Pickup in Fremont California. He is a handsome bird. He is semi tame. He knows step up and will go…
SOLDRehoming my male white faced cockatiel. He is for sure male. He is not tame. He is two years old. Wings were never clipped. He is handsome. He is strong…