Hand Fed Senegals: Band ID - Bond 10 - female Hatch date 12/25/24 left side of photo = SOLD Band ID - Bond 11 - Male, Hatch date 12/27/24 Right side…
$995I have a bonded pair of Green Cheeks. They are a little over a year old. Not tame and must stay together.
$300I have a beautiful Indian ring Neck male. Not hand tame
$600I have an Orange wing Amazon Male. Love women don't care for men. Has a good Vocabulary.
$1,500I have a beautiful Easter Rosella Female Breeding age for sale. Not tame
$500Adult male Alexandrine Wants to breed but my female only has eyes for me. He talks but is NOT hand tame. Eats a varied diet of seeds, pellets, nuts…
$2,000Had for 1 month Male parrot, about one year old (very trainable with time) He’s sweet and loves head scratches with time but we aren’t allowed to keep…
$800Hello! Marceline is a sweet, cuddly, six year old girl. She loves to whistle and will hang out with you while you sit and work or watch TV! Everything…
SOLDI have 2 pairs of Zebra finches for sale. Each pair is bonded and will not sell separate. Asking $50 dollars for each pair. If you want to buy both pairs…
SOLD7 month old grey and white cockatiel. Hand fed and tame.