Beautiful female looking for a mate. Available immediately
SOLDBOTH SOLD...15 weeks and weaned. Parent raised. No idea of gender but suspect one is a female. $75.00 each. Contact for more photos.
SOLDProven pair. About a year and a half old. Pair at the tip of the pic. Pearl is the female.
SOLD250 for all ten parakeets. Can be sold in pairs too.
SOLDThis is Hubert . Less than a year old cockatiel. Will come to you when you call it’s name,. Loves headscratches once it gets to know you. has learned to…
SOLDBreeding macaw (blue and gold)for sale, we are asking 3500 for them. That’s the lowest we can go. They are not tamed, they are for BREEDING!!!
SOLDamazon red lure parrot for sale, he is a boy, had him for a year, don’t know how old he is,he is blind in one eye from previous owners, price is negotiable…
SOLDHand fed very tame yellow female and turquoise male. Selling as pair with Omlet cage for $650 OBO. Need to rehome due to my health reasons. They simply…
SOLDBaby cockatiels available. Hand feeding experience required
SOLDProven cocktail pair. Downsizing due to family obligations! Cages, breeding boxes, etc available.